Annual Meeting Report

The 119th annual meeting of Canby Rod and Gun Club took place Saturday evening, 20 January 2007, at the clubhouse.  The doors opened at 5:30 PM for those members who wished to pay their dues or buy tickets to the various raffles or the fund raiser.   There were 229 members who picked up door prize tickets, and there may have been a few others who did not, so the meeting was fairly well attended.

Business Meeting (General)

The meeting was called to order by President Dahle Gubele at 7:08 PM, and the membership stood for the salute to the flag.  There followed a minute of silence for deceased members Ev Jones, Jerry Kocher, Orville Manuel, and Ron Meyer.  The following reports were made to the membership:

A point of order was raised by a member, who did not identify himself, objecting to a motion to approve the treasurer's report because he felt that (a) the motion was not acceptable according to Robert's Rules of Order, and (b) that should an accounting discrepancy arise later the club would have no recourse against the treasurer because the membership had approved the reading of the annual report.  After a certain amount of discussion, the point was noted, and the meeting continued without a specific objection to the treasurer's report.

Old Business

Dahle Gubele discussed the special meeting of the membership that occurred on Monday, 20 March 2006.

Election of Officers and Directors

The proposed list of new officers and directors was presented to the membership, and other nominations were solicited from the membership.  Jake Burroughs was nominated as a candidate for director at the meeting, in addition to Dan Postlewait and Dan Stevens.   The following members were elected:
Dahle Gubele President
Jim Burdett Vice President
Adrian Hamilton Secretary
Doug Phaneuf Treasurer
Jake Burroughs Director (term expires in 2009)
Dan Postlewait Director (term expires in 2009)

The other board members are:
Adam Berreth Director (term expires in 2008)
Cliff Hill Director (term expires in 2008)
Dennis Kenagy Past President (term expires when new president is elected)

New Business

There were two items of new business raised following the election of officers.

Jim Burdett expressed concern about the declining attendance at the annual picnic, particularly considering the amount of money it costs the club to make it happen.  He suggested that the members consider no longer holding the event.  There was discussion regarding mailing a reminder to members of the date of the picnic, and of changing the date of the picnic.  There was objection voiced to just cancelling the picnic without trying at least one more time to increase the attendance.  It was suggested that a date in mid-August would be better, and Jim agreed to do an informal survey of possible dates, and to bring the issue to the board of directors for a decision.

Jim Burdett reminded the members that the contract for the club's current caretakers expires on 30 April 2007, and that the club has started the search for a new caretaker, and is taking applications for the position.  Jim described the duties of the position, and the benefits for the caretaker even though the caretaker is not an employee of the club.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Door Prizes

The door prize procedure this year was a bit of a fiasco ("near chaos" might be a better phrase), as no one was overseeing the distibution of the prizes, and it was complicated by the fact that blue tickets were used for the door prizes, and, when we ran out of tickets for the raffle of one of the rifles, we used a roll of blue tickets of nearly the same shade as the door prize tickets.  Making the problem even worse was the fact that the rightmost three digits of the second roll of blue tickets overlapped some of the ticket numbers for the door prizes.  The problems eventually sorted themselves out.  (It was, after all, a random chance for a door prize; it just turned out to be random chance with competition.  In addition, by this time in the evening malt beverages were available, and possibly the announcements of door prize instructions and counterinstructions were too complicated for easy comprehension.)  We did not lack for volunteers to take care of the problem next year, and Chris McTavish will lead the effort.

Annual Fund Raiser Winners

The winners of the prizes in the annual fund raiser were:
First prize Savage 12FVSS .22-250 rifle Steve Marshall
Second prize Lamiglas rod and Shimano reel Rod Pentico
Third prize Garmin E-trex Summit GPS Bill Bauer
Fourth prize Benchmark Mini Auto-Stryker knife David Bell

Youth Program Raffle

Steve Millar and Ken Pellett, of Millar's Hiway Tire, donated a Ruger 77/17 rifle in .17 HMR, and Adrian Fisher donated a Remington Model 597 rifle in .22LR, to be raffled off for the benefit of the club's youth shooting program.  (See Junior Program Support for a description of some of the uses of the funds.)  The winners of these raffles were:
Ruger 77/17 John Zieg
Remington 597 Jeremy Harris

Trophy Awards

Loy Russell and Howard Wurdinger presided over the judging of the prizes for the tag awards.  The winners of the fur, fin, and feathers prizes were:

Ben Millar won the skunk drawing.


The meal was, as usual well prepared and enthusiastically served by the kitchen crew.  The menu included:  turkey, ham, sliced beef, sausage, braunschweiger, baked beans, macaroni salad, potato salad, green salad, vegetables, pineapple, cheese, potato chips, bread, rolls, and condiments.


This event requires a lot of work to be successful.  The following members provided time, effort, and personal expense, to set up and conduct the meeting:  Rod Beck, Dennis Berreth, Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Bill Crooks, Adrian Hamilton, Dennis Kenagy, John Lane, Jay Layton, Dale Miller, Darrell Nicholson, Jeff Patterson, Richard Phaneuf, Jerrid Russell, Loy Russell, Brent Scheafer, David Trowbridge, Homes Tupper, Todd Vaudt, Glen Watson, and Howard Wurdinger.  We apologize if we omitted someone.