Work Party 27 April 2002

Saturday, 27 April 2002

The second work party of 2002 was supported by 13 members, but a considerable amount of work was done. The following was the task list, and the work accomplished.

  1. Split firewood.
    Members continued to work on the log pile. More remains to be done.
  2. Wash trap pads.
    Trap pads were pressure washed.
  3. Blow leaves, etc., from trap pads, parking, etc.
    Debris was removed from paved surfaces.
  4. Trim grass.
    Grass around trees, shrubs, parking, and trap pads was trimmed.
  5. Install mount for manual trap.
    A manual trap for use by members was installed on a steel post between traps 1 and 2.
  6. Install silhouette target support on 50 yard range.
    A railroad tie was placed horizontally on two piers about 12 inches off the ground just in front of the target cable on the eastern 50 yard range. Silhouette targets will be placed on the flat surface out of the dirt and mud. (Please note that the railroad tie is not itself a target or a target backstop.)
  7. Install three gongs on the bluff behind the 100 yard berms.
    Gongs and columns were obtained, but need to be installed.
  8. Remove blower from fireplace to replace bearnings.
    Not done.
  9. Remove blower on furnace for repair.
    Not done.
  10. Bury electric box in old trap.
    Not done.
  11. Clean ceiling fans in clubhouse.
  12. Clean trophy mounts in clubhouse.
  13. Spread gravel on 50 yard ranges.
    A gravel path and shooting area was done on both 50 yard ranges.
  14. Pick up brass on 50 yard ranges.
    Not done.
  15. Install new target holders on 100 yard range.
    Five target holders were replaced.
  16. Lay out pads for picnic tables in park area.
    Not done.
  17. Clean and weed flower and shrub beds.
  18. Complete fence between clubhouse and pump house.
    Fence posts were placed, but fence was not placed on posts.
  19. Remove old sign post from 100 yard range.
    Not done.
  20. Clean soot from front of fireplace.
    Not done.
  21. Replace/recover water stained and damaged wallboard over fireplace.
    Not done.

The following members participated in the work party:  Alan Day, Jim Epifanio, Peter Koutnik, John Kriegshauser, Mike Piercy, Janell Piercy-Koutnik, Loy Russell, Doug Spillum, Jay Spillum, Steve Timberman, Bob Yow, and Gary Zosel.