New Web Site Testing

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

CRGC's web site is being updated, and we will be running the old site and the new site in parallel for several weeks as we conduct testing of the new site.  We don't anticipate moving the new site into production until 1/1/2012, so members can continue to use the existing site.  Even after the web site changes are put into the production code, there will be no change to the club's URL (, although detail-oriented members may notice the addition of new URLs during and after the testing.  Members who have previously read this notice may go to the new web site by clicking this link.

The web site is being changed to update the site (it was designed 10 years ago, and the structure has not changed in several years) to be compliant with new coding standards, and to add new features and functions for members, club officers, and committee chairpersons.  It has become more difficult to manage the club as the membership has grown, and we have engaged in more activities and provided more services.  (It is probably worth noting that in 2002 there were 538 active members - regular, life, and honorary.  There are now 707 active members, mostly due to the addition of 50 regular members in March 2006, and a substantial increase in the number of life members as members have aged in the past decade.)  Several of the changes are being made to allow the officers and chairpersons to be more efficient, and to have better communication about club activities.

There are some fairly significant changes being made to the web site, including:

Given that we will have the member database available to the web software and authorized users, we will also have the basis for adding more functions over time, including order requests and order status; trap management software for Tuesday and Thursday nights, and league shooting; on-line member advertisements; and other projects.

The words "authorized members" occur several times in the foregoing text, and require some explanation.  Any person, authorized or not, can access the new web site just as they have in the past.  In order to use the new features of the web site, a member must receive a logon ID and password from CRGC by sending an e-mail to  (You may also request a specific member identifier in your e-mail message.)  The e-mail address of the sender will be checked against the club's member list, and if the request is actually from a member, a user ID and password will be sent in response.  The member, by default, will have the ability to make changes to the member's own record, and to use the web site calendar to request use of club facilities, or to make changes to calendar or facility requests they have made previously.  If the member subsequently becomes a committee chairperson, or is elected to be a director or officer of the club, the member's authorization level will be changed accordingly, and the member will have access to more of the functions of the club software - information exchange, scheduling notifications, scheduling approvals, maintaining member records, maintaining new member records, maintaining officer records, and so on.  Members are encouraged to obtain a logon ID and password to use the software, but it is not required that you do so.

The existing web site will be changed to include a new menu option on the left menu bar to allow members to connect to the new web site.  If you wish to use the new web site directly, without first connecting to and using the new menu link, you may connect using the URL

Remember that the new site has been tested by the developers, but is still considered to be in user acceptance testing (sometimes called "beta test") for the next several weeks.  If you encounter a problem, or wish to ask a question, or wish to offer a suggestion or criticism, please send an e-mail to  We will try to get a response back to you so that you know you have been heard, and if we can provide any information about your problem or question.  We expect to make changes during the test phase, and continue to make more changes on a scheduled basis after the test software completes the user acceptance test.