CRGC Web Master Job

The Board of Directors approved the addition of the position of Web Master of the Club's web site. The position will be of the same type and level as that of the other committee chairpersons, such as the range chairman or kitchen chairman. The position will be reappointed annually each January, but the same person may serve for more than one year consecutively. The following is a description of the job, tasks, and skill requirements for the web master.

The job of the CRGC web master is to maintain and enhance the contents of the CRGC web site. This involves keeping the site as useful as possible to the membership, by presenting timely and accurate information in a form and manner which will make the site usable by persons with relatively little computer experience, and very little experience on the Internet or with browsers. In addition, the contents of the site must be implemented in such a way that they are able to be interpreted under Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later, or Netscape version 4.5 or later. It is desired that the contents of the site be accurate within one day of the most recent activity by the board, club officers, or committee chairpersons, and that in no case should the delay exceed one week.

In order to achieve the goals of information timeliness, the web master will need to be a technically competent roving reporter and digital photogtrapher (or at least know someone who can assist with photographic duties). The web master should attend the monthly board meetings, or, if a meeting is missed, obtain the meeting notes of reports, old business, and new business, together with topics of discussion and points of interest from the Club Secretary the next day, or as soon as possible thereafter. While the web master should receive much of the information to be included in the web site from members, members of the Board of Directors, officers, or committee chairpersons, the web master may need to solicit any or all of those individuals for the necessary information. (Most business of the Club is transacted at Board meetings, and each Tuesday evening when the Club is open.)

Because of the peculiar characteristics of a web site, the web master will frequently need to edit or reformat material to be most effectively presented through a web browser. A meeting notice, for example, may be available on the web several days to weeks before a letter containing the information is mailed to the membership. The web text needs to be edited to contain the correct verb tense, and some of the content may need to have editorial changes. A list of board members, which might be included in the letter, for example, would be replaced in the web version by a hyperlink pointing to the HTML source with the list of board members. In certain cases, this may require that the web master ask the original author to review the web version to make sure that the intent of the original material is still intact.

The web master will also be expected to frequently check the crgc e-mail ID to determine if messages have been received. Some of these messages will be serviced by the web master. Others will need to be redirected to the appropriate board member or officer, or, if an appropriate recipient cannot be determined, then to either the President, Vice President, or Secretary.

The web master must be competent in the use of HTML version 4.0 and JavaScript. The web master must also be familiar with the peculiarities of the Internet Explorer and Netscape web browsers, and the ftp utility. The web master must be familiar with at least one editor or word processor, and have timely and appropriate access to a workstation and the Internet in order to carry out these duties.

Current experience indicates that this position requires about one hour a week, plus another two hours a month (after board meetings), plus about another hour per major club activity (of which there are at least 8 per year) in order to perform these duties.

If you are interested in helping the Club by becoming the CRGC web master, please talk with either Doug Phaneuf or John Bee.