Volunteers Needed

CRGC needs two members to help with CRGC projects and representation.  The jobs are described below.  Any interested members should communicate with President Ben Millar, or any board member at CRGC Board of Directors.

First, CRGC has quite a few activities throughout the year, and all too often the activities go unnoticed by CRGC members, members of other gun clubs, and members of the public because we don't have anyone who is knowledgeable about advertising these events.  As a result, CRGC would like to have a member act as the chairperson or project leader to assemble information about activities and events, and publicize them in appropriate ways so that other people are able to participate in them.  The chairperson will report to CRGC's president, but will work directly with any of the officers or chairpeople who are responsible for the activities and events, and with CRGC's newsletter editor.

The advertising chairperson will assemble the information about the activity or event, create the notices or advertising material, and publish them in the applicable places - for example CRGC's newsletter, CRGC's web site, local newspapers, other gun club newsletters or bulletin boards, the publications of other organizations (for example the bulletin of the Oregon Shooting Sports Association), or other media as appropriate.

The second task is for someone to represent CRGC at meetings of the Oregon Association of Shooting Ranges.  This person must be very familiar with CRGC activities and projects, and familiar with the general needs of gun clubs in interacting with the public or governmental organizations.  CRGC's representative should have previous served on the board of directors at CRGC or some other similar organization to have some idea how such organizations work.  The OASR representative will report to CRGC's president, but will be required to attend CRGC board meetings, and will report to CRGC's board and membership on OASR activities.

CRGC's OASR representative will attend the quarterly all-day OASR meetings, and the occasional special meetings, which are held at various locations around the State of Oregon.  The OASR representative will be expected to participate in those meetings, representing CRGC's needs and requirements to the OASR, offering information about how CRGC handles the topics under discussion at the meetings, and taking note of those items which are applicable to CRGC.  The OASR representative will be reimbursed for documented direct expenses paid by the OASR representative involved in attending the meetings.

If you are interested in assisting CRGC and in becoming CRGC's representative for one of these areas of responsibility, please communicate with CRGC's president or any board member, either directly or through crgc@canby.com.