Swap Meet

Saturday, 9 April 2005

The first swap meet in several years was conducted today, with Larry Wright leading the project.  Larry arrived at 7:15 AM, and the clubhouse was unlocked, and the coffee was read.  The swap meet was open from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM to club members, and then was open to the public until 4:00 PM, although only about 10% of the people were left after 3:30 PM.  There were 26 tables reserved, at a charge of $5.00 each.  A few members shared a table with other members.  A cash purse was available to make change for those who needed it.  

There were a large variety of things for sale or trade, including a boat; an electic boat motor; quantities of brass, lead, and lead shot; rods, reels, and lures; rifles, pistols, and shotguns; knives of all types; bows and arrows; holsters, containers, furs, golf clubs, duck decoys, the skull of a dead cow, and a number of other items of varying sizes and descriptions.  Those with fishing equipment got a lot of interest, although there were ten firearms sold as well.

The event was advertised in the Canby Herald, the club's newsletter, and on the club's web site.  It was difficult to tell how many different people came through the building as they were continually walking among the tables, but one estimate of the attendance was about 100 people.  Chris Vaughn ran the kitchen, and sold breakfast and lunch to the attendees.