After Storm Report

Friday, 15 December 2006

The wind and rain on Thursday did not have much effect on the club, with two exceptions.  The rain has again flooded both 50 yard ranges, which has prevented members and police from using the ranges.  The flooded ranges also cost the club some revenue, since the Portland Police were one of the departments which was unable to shoot as scheduled.

The wind blew down half of a maple tree across the east end of the club's driveway, blocking anyone from entering or leaving.  On Friday morning Dennis Kenagy and his wife, Cindy, got their chain saw and did an unscheduled work party.  Dennis did the cutting and moving of the trunk, and Cindy worked on the branches and clearing the driveway.  After about three hours they had the driveway usable.  Please thank them for their efforts when you see them.