Special Meeting Results

Monday, 20 March 2006

The special meeting of the membership, called to consider and vote on changes to the club's by-laws, took place this evening at the clubhouse.  Forty-five members signed into the meeting, which exceeded the quorum requirements of by-laws Article IV Section 5.  After the approval of the first two amendments, an additional three members arrived, bringing the total present to forty-eight.  Article XIII Section 1 requires at least a two-thirds majority of the members present in order to amend the club's by-laws, which in this case meant that of the members present at least 30 members, for the first two amendments, and 32 members for the last three amendments, must vote in favor of the proposed amendment.  The following are the results of the meeting.

There were five proposals which were discussed and voted upon separately.

  1. Approved, 40 for, and 2 against.  That temporary honorary memberships be offered to spouses of deceased members who wish to become regular club members, and that these temporary honorary memberships not be counted against the maximum number of honorary memberships allowed by the bylaws.  This change is to be effective on the date the amendment is approved.
  2. Approved, 43 for, and 1 against.  That the maximum number of honorary memberships be set at 2% of the number of regular members.  This change is to be effective on the date the amendment is approved.
  3. Approved, 45 for, and 0 against.  That the necessity for approval of proposed amendments by the NRA be deleted.
  4. Approved, 37 for, and 3 against.  That the amount of the annual dues be increased from $55.00 to $75.00.  This change is to be effective on 1 January 2007.
  5. Approved, 33 for, and 2 against.  That the maximum number of regular members be increased from 450 to 500.  This change is to be effective on the date the amendment is approved.
A copy of the club's current bylaws can be found at this link.

Please direct questions, comments, or suggestions to any officer or director of the club, or call the club at 503-266-2453, or send an e-mail to crgc@canby.com.