Sight-in Days 2005

Sunday, 25 September 2005

The club's annual sight-in days were held on Saturday and Sunday, 17, 18, 24, and 25 September 2005.  During these two weekends the range is open to the public for hunters to sight-in their rifles (and hunting pistols), and CRGC's members volunteer to spot the shots and assist the shooters in diagnosing problems and in getting their firearms to hit the target.  While things generally move smoothly, there is enough variation to keep the work interesting.  For one thing, not all shooters are as practised or as accurate as they could be.  Generally this keeps the humor quotient pretty high, but sometimes serious safety reminders are required as well.  We also get mechanical failures like the two that happened the first Saturday morning:  one shooter's scope adjustment knob came apart, and tossed the springs and adjuster out of the scope.  Another shooter had the front scope ring break (really), which made it difficult to get a consistent group.  Both these shooters received refunds so they could repair their equipment, and return to finish the sight-in process.  There were 87 shooters who came to the club the first weekend, and they brought 116 firearms to be sighted in.  On the second weekend we had 142 shooters who brought 176 firearms.

The following members volunteered their time to help the club put on this public service.  A new member in 2005 is signified by an asterisk following the member's last name.  Jim Burdett, Clyde Burton*, Scott Farmer*, Jack Frost, Dahle Gubele, Steve Johnson*, Mel Johnston, Max Klaetsch, Ronald Krettler, Herb Perigo, Dave Ratto*, Bob Ray*, Rob Rickard*, Corey Roberts*, Brad Snodgrass*, Chuck Tlusty, Steve Timberman, Homes Tupper, Robin Winston*, and Larry Wright.