Sight-in Days, 2003

Tuesday, 30 September 2003

The sight-in days this year were September 20, 21, 27, and 28.  They were organized and run by V. Dahle Gubele, one of the Directors of CRGC.  It was another good year for the club in terms of the number of non-members we were able to assist in sighting in their hunting firearms.  There were a total of 279 shooters who sighted in 299 firearms during the four days.  These activities require a lot of work, and our volunteers donated 445 hours of their time to help the club perform this public service.  The Oregon Hunters Association also had a booth at the range to provide information about hunting in Oregon, and to sell tickets to their annual raffle.

The following members contributed their time and knowledge in helping the club. The number between parenthesis after a member's name indicates the number of days that member volunteered.  An asterisk (*) within the parenthesis indicates a new member in 2003.

Thirty-one members were on the range.  They were:  Jim Burdett (1), Tom Burdett (1), John Champ (2), Jess Dressler (1), Ed Dunnigan (2*), Errol Eshaia (1*), John Frost (2), Dahle Gubele (4), Larry Hemmert (2*), Cliff Hill (3), Dennis Kenagy (1), Max Klaetsch (2), Steve McLaren (1*), Ron Meyer (4), Darrell Nicholson (1), Herb Perigo (1), Jeff Peters (2*), David Scott (2), Tim Skipper (2*), Gary Stockwell (2*), Buck Teasley (1), Steve Timberman (4), Chuck Tlusty (2), Homes Tupper (2), Tom Turner (1*), Ed Turpin (2*), Wes Weber (3*), Scott Werner (1*), Larry Wright (2*), Bob Yow (4), and Gary Zosel (1).