Range Usage

Thursday, 4 July 2002

We recently changed the sign-in log format to capture more information about the usage of the various ranges.   At the same time, two of our members have taken the old sign-in sheets and have started the laborious process of interpreting the entries and entering the data for analysis, and for the information of the board and the membership.  The old sheets covered the period from 29 May 2001 through 7 May 2002, for a total of approximately 2515 entries into the ranges.

The following tables contain the second set of data entered (a total of 1129 entries) for the period 29 May 2001 through 30 September 2001.  The entries do not include unregistered guests, students in hunter safety classes, attendees at other range functions, officers in police departments, sight-in days participants, or attendees at the annual picnic.  It is probably safe to say that the numbers represent the minimum usage of the ranges.   It appears that 550 different people used the ranges during this period, and, of that number, 112 people used the ranges more than once.

It takes about four man-hours to enter the data for each 300 entries in the range sheets because the entries are so badly written, or incompletely filled out.

Use by Day of Week

Day of Week Count Percentage
Sunday  221   19.6
Monday  183   16.2
Tuesday  150   13.3
Wednesday   158   14.0
Thursday   172   15.2
Friday  140   12.4
Saturday   105    9.3
TOTAL 1129 100.0


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Use by Time of Arrival

Time Count Percentage
07:00 - 07:59    27    2.4
08:00 - 08:59    79     7.0
09:00 - 09:59   100    8.9
10:00 - 10:59   117    10.4
11:00 - 11:59    83     7.4
12:00 - 12:59    83     7.4
13:00 - 13:59    60     5.3
14:00 - 14:59    90     8.0
15:00 - 15:59    90     8.0
16:00 - 16:59   106     9.4
17:00 - 17:59   159    14.1
18:00 - 18:59    92     8.2
19:00 - 19:59    31     2.8
20:00 - 20:59      7     0.6
21:00 - 21:59      0     0.0
TOTAL 1124 100.0


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Duration of Use

Count Percentage
0.00 - 0,5  133  11.8
0.51 - 1.0  289  25.6
1.01 - 1.5  214  19.0
1.51 - 2.0  182  16.1
2.01 - 2.5   112    9.9
2.51 - 3.0    69    6.1
3.01 - 3.5    48    4.3
3.51 - 4.0    28    2.5
More than 4.0    54    4.8
TOTAL 1129 100.0


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Type of User

User Count Percentage
Members  789   70.0
Member Guest  237   21.0
Member Family    87    7.7
Police Depts.     6    0.5
Unknown     8    0.7
TOTAL 1127 100.0


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