Range Rules

Too many members are disregarding the range sign-in rules, and some are not using common sense on the range.  Please read and obey the range rules, which are posted on this web site and are on signs at the range, and remember the following:

  1. Sign in on the range book in the kiosk at the range gate.  Sign out when you leave.  Every person using the ranges or archery area, or going to the river, whether member or guest, must comply with this requirement.  We use that list for several purposes:
  2. The range fee for guests is a mandatory $3.00 per guest per day.  Please make sure the fee is paid.  It helps pay for range maintenance.
  3. Targets on the 100 yard range must be attached to the target frames behind the 100 yard berm.  Do not place targets against the ricochet barrier at the end of the range baffles.
  4. Clean up after yourself and your guests when you are done shooting.  Remove your trash and targets, and clean up your brass.  If all members don't do this then we have to spend man-hours during work parties cleaning up after members who don't care.
  5. If you move a shooting bench down range on either 50 yard range, move it back to the 50 yard line when you are done.  Do not leave it down range in the weather, or for some other members to carry it back for you.
  6. Your gate card will last longer if you do not keep it in your wallet.  Repeated bending of the plastic, or putting the card near a magnet will eventually destroy it.  Replacement cards may be obtained any Tuesday or Thursday evening, or by U.S. mail to the club.  The cost of a replacement card is $10.00.

For more information, click on these links for rules for the 50 yard ranges, 100 yard range, 200/300 yard range, and archery range.