Annual Picnic, 2004

Wednesday, 28 July 2004

The Board of Directors decided to change the schedule for the annual picnic and shooting competition this year.  Previously the picnic and the annual member shoots were done on the same day - the second Sunday in September.  Two suggestions which were made last year were to (1) separate the shooting from the picnic to allow everyone to have time with their families, and (2) try a different menu as a change from the traditional.  Accordingly, the Board decided to:

We would like to be sure of having enough food, so please e-mail, call, or write to us to let us know how many people in your family will attend each day.  You can communicate to anyone on the list at the Directors entry of The Board menu item (at the left margin of this window).

Please plan on attending, and bring as many family members as you wish.  We would like to see you there both days.