Annual Picnic, 2003

Sunday, 14 September 2003

The annual picnic was held today at the club, and the weather cooperated beautifully.  There were slightly more than 100 people who were at the picnic, and several made happy comments, and nobody complained.  There were the usual activities:  rifle shooting, trap shooting, children's games, an excellent lunch, and good companionship.  The last members departed around 5:00 PM.

The trap shooting was a challenging 4 event series:  continental doubles (10 birds), quail walk (10 birds), goose hunt (10 birds), and sporting clays (20 targets).  Continental doubles was shot from the 16 yard line.  The quail walk started from 27 yards back, and as the shooter walked forward between two traps, continental targets were thrown from either the left, right, or both traps simultaneously.  In the goose hunt, the shooter knelt on the ground about 15 yards in front of the trap, and targets were thrown over the shooter's head from behind.  The sporting clays trailer (from Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife) threw targets from five stations:  nested targets, black targets, regular targets, doubles, and "rabbits" bouncing along the ground.

The following people won the shooting events:

The picnic was supported by sixteen members in the kitchen, rifle range, and traps.  They were:  John Bee, Jim Burdett, Tom Burdett, Isaac Doubrava, Dave Fisher, Gordon Jeskey, Dennis Kenagy, Chuck McClaugherty, Rick Peterson, Don Staffney, Homes Tupper, Victor vanderStar, Todd Vaudt, Glen Watson, Joseph Wipff, and Bob Yow.  Hugh Boyle planned the lunch, and arranged for the food that was served.