Nominees Needed For 2006

Saturday, 12 November 2005

Dahle Gubele, as the club's current president, is responsible for assembling a list of nominees for the various officer and director positions on the club's board of directors for 2006.  Anyone who wishes to nominate a member for an open position, or wishes to be considered him/her self, should forward the name of the member to Dahle.  Dahle's telephone number is 503-771-5378, and he receives e-mail at  You may also leave a message on the club's telephone voicemail (503-266-2453), or send an e-mail to the club at  The resulting list will be mailed to the membership in December with the notice of the annual meeting.  Nominees for any open position will also be accepted from members in good standing who attend the annual meeting.

The open positions, the time the person elected is obligated to serve, and the name of the member currently in the position whose term is expiring are:

Some or all of the people currently in the existing positions may also be renominated to serve another term.  Please give some consideration to who may be the appropriate person to be nominated to be an officer or director of the club.  If you have questions about the duties and obligations of any of the positions, please feel free to talk with any officer or director, or come to any board meeting, or read Article V, Section 3, and Article VI of the club's bylaws.