Advertisements in Newsletters and Web Site

Monday, 17 May 2004

The board of directors has voted to try allowing advertisements in the club’s newsletter and web site for items for sale by members only.  There will be no charge unless the ads are too large or run too long.  There is normally between 0.5 and 1.5 pages of space available in an issue of the newsletter.

There are a few rules and caveats associated with this service:

Submission rules:

  1. Space available advertising on a first-come, first-served basis is a free service for CRGC members, runs at the sole discretion of the board of directors.
  2. CRGC does not type-set, format, check spelling, or provide other publication services.  If a member submits an advertisement in a machine readable format, the member is responsible for making sure the advertisement will scale properly when placed in the newsletter.
  3. Machine readable submissions will be accepted in ASCII text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, HTML, GIF, or JPEG formats.
  4. Ads will appear on the same type of paper, and in the same type face and font, as is used in the remainder of the newsletter.
  5. Advertising copy for the newsletter should be planned to fit in the column format of the newsletter.
  6. The order of arrival will be determined by post mark, or date/time stamp on the electronic message, or the date/time the material is handed in at the cashier’s window.
  7. Ads must be accompanied by the member’s name, mailing address, and telephone number.  This information is for the use of the newsletter editor, or web master.  The member must also include contact information within the advertisement.
  8. Ads in the newsletter will run in one issue.  Ads on the web site will run for 90 days following the date the ad is first displayed.
  9. The decisions of the newsletter editor and the web master regarding the location, size, and display of an ad are final.

The submission rules will be reviewed after the first two issues of the newsletter, and the first six months of activity on the web site to make sure that the rules are fair for all members, and that the service does not cost the club any money.

Ads for the newsletter should be submitted to the newsletter editor (Cliff Hill) at or by US mail to:

Cliff Hill
14337 S Leland Rd
Oregon City, OR  97045-9125.

Ads for the newsletter may also be sent by U.S. Mail to the club's address:

Canby Rod and Gun Club
ATTN:  Newsletter Editor
PO Box 311
Canby, OR  97013

Ads for the web site must be submitted by e-mail, either contained in the e-mail message or as an attachment to it, to the club’s e-mail address: