More Range Improvements

Tuesday, 08 October 2002

Marty Clark has once again donated several hours of heavy equipment time and operation to help improve the ranges. He has cut and graveled a four foot wide path from the northeast corner of the 100 yard range to the east end of the 100 yard berms so that we can use the range this winter without tramping through the mud. This placementprovides more separation between the users of the 50 and 100 yard ranges when both are active. He also removed a small rise in the ground along the path, and moved all of the dirt onto the top of the east 50 yard range berm. This raised the height of the berm by about 3 feet. As he was working on the 50 yard berm, he removed all of the blackberry vies that are infesting the berm on the west side of the 50 yard range.

While he was at the club, Marty also removed the concrete shooting positions from the old unused trap pads that were south of the 100 yard range. In addition, he removed the old asphalt path that ran from the northeast corner of the clubhouse porch to the path between traps 2 and 3. This was done to eliminate a safety problem that existed when shoot offs on trap 2 were taking place from the porch. Anyone who happened to walk up the old path during a shoot off was dangerously close to the muzzles of the shotguns when they were fired. The old path has been replaced with the new wide path going to traps 3 through 6.

Please thank Marty for this work when you see him at the club.