Long Range Shooting

The long range shooting on the first Thursday of each month is getting popular, and after some discussion, Range Chairman Bob Ray decided to schedule long range shooting twice a month.  Effective immediately long range shooting is scheduled from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM on the first and third Thursday of each month.  The club's calendar on the web site has already been changed.

If you are interested in using the 200 and 300 yard ranges you must meet with Bob Ray to get briefed on the range safety procedures to use those ranges.  After Bob ensures that you are aware of, and will follow, the safety requirements and range procedures, he will stamp your membership card to indicate that you have been approved to shoot on those ranges.  The club is especially careful about those ranges because (a) the only firearms used on them are center fire rifle cartridges, with a range greater than a mile; and (b) there is a school, housing, and the City of Canby in the general downrange area.