Long Range Shooting Schedule Changes

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Rifle shooters have asked for a change to the long range shooting schedule, which hitherto has been on the first and third Thursday of each month.  The possibility of a schedule change was mentioned at the annual meeting.  The problem with a weekend shooting time has been to find a time that will interfere the least with use of other ranges (archery, 50 yard, and 100 yard), and the use of the camping area, since use of the 200/300 yard range precludes the use of these other facilities.  After looking at range use times in the sign-in log, the two least used times were late Saturday and Sunday afternoons.  Since Saturday range use is already scheduled fairly frequently, the best choice seemed to be Sunday.

Range Chairman Bob Ray has made the following long range schedule change, effective in March, 2011.  The long range shooting previously scheduled for the third Thursday of each month has been eliminated, and is replaced by a different shooting date - the late afternoon of the third Sunday of each month.  The morning of the first Thursday of each month continues to be a long range shooting time.  Because this change was made after many of the events for 2011 had been scheduled, there are a few exceptions to the third Sunday dates and times.  The club's calendar on the web site has already been updated.

The long range shooting from March through October will be scheduled from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM on the third Sunday of each month.  Since it gets darker earlier during the winter after the change to daylight savings time, the time schedules for November through February will be from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

The exceptions to the third Sunday schedule are in September, when long range shooting is on the second Sunday (9/11/2011), and in December, when long range shooting is also on the second Sunday (12/11/2011).

Remember that in order to use the 200 or 300 yard range any shooter must have his or her membership card stamped by Range Chairman Bob Ray.  The reason is that the range safety procedures for 200/300 yard shooting are substantially different than for other ranges, and we must be sure that each shooter understands the safety procedures and range access control to protect our neighbors and other club users.  You can talk with Bob about 200/300 yard range use any Tuesday or Thursday evening at the clubhouse, or arrange some other time to meet him.

If you have questions or comments send an e-mail to either Bob Ray or Doug Phaneuf directly, or via crgc@canby.com.