2005 Fall League Standings

The following are the final standings after the fourth and last week of Fall League shooting.  The list is in order of final standing.  Teams which are tied are listed in alphabetic order.  Weekly standings were not really comparable (except for bragging rights) because of the different levels of difficulty in each of the four events.

The first four columns to the right of the team name contain the weekly handicapped score.  The "Total" column contains the running total for the team.  The abbreviations are:

Name Dbls Intl Clrd Rpt  Total
Wayne's World 112 120 121 119 472
Beavercreek Too 108 120 122 116 466
Russell's Nursery #1 109 118 121 116 464
Swaim Construction 110 118 119 117 464
McLarens Carpet One 110 116 120 116 462
Canby Electric 109 116 121 115 461
Dickie Prairie Store 108 115 120 114 457
PGE 107 116 119 115 457
The Who? 108 116 117 115 456
Aw Shit 107 116 116 113 452
Colvin Sand 107 114 116 113 450
M & M's 108 113 116 111 448
MKB 107 113 115 110 445
Russell's Nursery #2 107 113 115 110 445
Jim & Jim 105 109 113 108 435