2003 Membership Dues and Fund Raiser Tickets

Tuesday, 19 November 2002

Invoices for dues and fund raiser tickets will be mailed to the membership this week.   For regular members the invoices will be for $55.00, for dues for calendar 2003, and an optional $10.00 for tickets for the annual fund raiser.  For life members, the invoice will just have the optional $10.00 amount.  Please note that the tickets are optional.  If you don't wish to buy tickets (though we hope you will, since the club will benefit, and you might too), just subtract the $10.00 from the invoice total.  The invoices will also have notes asking for information about birthdate (so we can track when regular members are eligibile to become life members), telephone number (if it has changed, to update the club's data base), and e-mail address if you have one.

The payments are due by January 2, 2003.  Please return the invoice with your payment so that we can keep the club's records straight.  If you wish to buy additional tickets, please add $1.00 to your payment for each additional ticket you wish to buy.  We will return your new membership card by mail, together with the number of ticket stubs you requested.  The tickets will be kept until the annual meeting, when winning tickets will be randomly drawn from the pile.  Additional tickets will also be available at the annual meeting.

You may still pay your dues this year at the annual meeting, but if the invoice process works as we hope, then 2003 will probably be the last year that will happen, and the lines at the annual meeting should be substantially shorter.

This is the first time we have tried this kind of process at CRGC, and we may have made clerical errors, or even omitted someone from the mailing.  We hope not, as we have checked the data several times.  If, however, you think an error has been made, please communicate with Bob Yow, the club treasurer.  (See contact information on the web site.

The mailing will also include a sheet, printed on both sides, which provides information about the proposed changes to the club's bylaws.  More information will be forthcoming, as required by the bylaws, with the mailing for the annual meeting..