Hunter Education, Second 2009 Class

CRGC will hold the second Hunter Education course of 2009 in early August.  The course will run for 6 sessions starting on Monday, 3 August.  Attendees should be at the CRGC clubhouse at 5:45 PM for the first session.  Classes will start at 6:00 PM each night.  The following sessions will be held on 5, 8, 10, 12, and 17 August from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, except Saturday, 8 August, which will be from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.  The Saturday class is for field work and live firing on the 50 yard ranges.

Anyone interested in participating can just show up with an adult at the clubhouse at the first session.  Adults are encouraged to stay for the class, but it is not required.  If you have questions or wish to register for the class you can communicate with the chief instructor, Glen Watson at 503-651-2049, or e-mail at, or the club e-mail (  Interested persons can also call the club (503-266-2453), or come to the club any Tuesday night and speak with Glen or a club officer.

On 1/1/08 the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife has started charging a $10.00 per student registration fee.  While CRGC disagrees with the imposition of this fee, we do not believe that the fee should be a barrier to any participant in the hunter education program.  If paying this fee will create a hardship for a participant, be sure that the adult accompanying the participant speaks with Glen Watson or another instructor on the first day of the class, and makes them aware of the problem.