Hunter Education Class Under Way

CRGC's first Hunter Education course of the year started on Monday, 26 February 2007.  The class is one of the largest ever held at CRGC.  If you wanted to attend this class, but have already missed a session, it is unlikely that we will be able to help make it up because of the number of students we already have.  The next class at CRGC starts on Monday, 13 August 2007.  If this class is too late, please check the ODFW web site for other classes in this area.

If you have questions you can communicate with the instructors, Glen Watson at 503-651-2049, or e-mail at, or Dennis Berreth at 503-651-2705, or the club e-mail (  Interested persons can also call the club (503-266-2453), or come to the club any Tuesday night and speak with Glen, Dennis, or a club officer.