A Bit of Club History

The following items of club history were taken from old records of the club while researching information about past officers.  The annual banquet of the Canby Gun Club was held at Knights Hall on Saturday, January 11, 1913.  There were 32 members who paid dues of $0.25 per month.  (At that time, the cost for trap was $0.02 per bird.)  The items used for the banquet, and their costs, are listed below.

12 loaves bread $0.50
2 boxes cigars $4.00
2.5 gallons dill pickles $1.50
14 cans of clams $1.75
6 loaves bread $0.25
2 bottles catsup $0.30
  lard and eggs $0.45
3 boxes crackers $0.30
26 gallons beer $8.75
  vinegar $0.05
  soap $0.05
1 catsup $0.25
1 dozen lemons $0.35
  pepper $0.10
2 rolls butter $1.20
  salt $0.05
  crackers $0.50
  bacon $0.50
  spices $0.15
2 dozen eggs @$0.29 $0.58
  lard $0.10
  onion $0.05
  mustard $0.15
  cheese $0.55
3 gallons oysters $9.00
6 dozen crabs $6.00
  boxes $0.65
  express (delivery) $0.70
  telephone $0.50
  stamps $0.25
  hall rental $2.50
  TOTAL $47.03