Fund Raiser Raffle Tickets

Wednesday, 14 January 2004

The raffle tickets for the annual fund raiser have been on sale since the beginning of November, 2003, and will continue to be sold up until the drawing actually takes place at the annual meeting on 17 January 2004.  Any tickets purchased by club members before the annual meeting will have the purchaser's name printed on the ticket and the stub, and the stub will be removed and will be placed in the container used for the drawing.  A record is retained of all purchasers and their ticket numbers prior to the meeting.  The tickets will be mailed to the purchaser, or, after today, 14 January 2004, will be held by Bob Yow and may be picked up at the annual meeting.  You do not need to be present at the drawing to win.  In addition, if you have purchased your tickets prior to the annual meeting, you do not need to have the ticket portion to claim your prize, since Bob will know who held that ticket.

If we can work out the procedures at the annual meeting this year, we may try to print the purchaser's name on the tickets and stubs as well.  This will eliminate a bottleneck at the ticket table at the meeting, where members are usually writing their names and telephone numbers on however many ticket stubs they have purchased.  It will also eliminate a problem if someone accidentally loses a ticket purchased before the drawing.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.  And good luck in the drawing!