Five Stand Trap Status

Wednesday, 12 April 2006

We expect to have the five stand trap in operation on Thursday, 13 April 2006.  The first couple of nights will be a testing period to make sure everything is working properly, and the operating procedures are clear to the trap puller who will operate the machines.  Since league shooting has already started, we only plan on operating five stand on Thursday evenings until the end of Spring League.  We expect to operate five stand on both Tuesday and Thursday evenings when there is no league shooting.

The rabbit targets were picked up last week, and will be delivered to the club tomorrow night.  The five stand traps arrived last Monday, and they were unboxed Tuesday evening.  The PVC and parts for the shooting positions was purchased today, and the shooting stations were built this evening.  The new batteries were picked up today, and were put on trickle chargers tonight to make sure they are fully charged for Thursday evening.

We still have work to do.  For instance, we are looking for a conex container to be placed in the area south of trap #4, where the five stand will be located, to store the five stand equipment and targets.  We need to order thin (0.25 inch) steel plates to attach the trap machines to the trailers, so that they have a stable base for operation.  We also need to finish a master switch panel to control the seven trap machines that will be used in the five stand shoot.

Richard Phaneuf is the member who has done all of the work specifying, ordering, picking up materials, assembling, and setting up the operational procedures.  Be sure to thank him if you enjoy shooting the five stand games.