Elwood Faist Memorial Shoot

Sunday, 17 December 2006

Elwood's shoot was a success today.  At one point there were 110 cars and trucks parked at the club.  There were 1022 shooting tickets sold, and the club gave away more than 250 prizes, including fruit baskets, turkeys, hams, bacons, and sausage packages.  The fruit baskets, always a popular item with the shooters, each contained a half bushel of bananas, Anjou pears, mandarin oranges, pineapples, grapefruit, and fancy oranges.  Larger fruit baskets, about a bushel in capacity, were raffled off to the attendees.  The fruits, baskets, candy canes, and ribbons are purchased and assembled by the Faists and Kenagys, with help from other family and club members.  Over 1.5 tons of fruit were used in the making of the baskets.

A number of club members and members of their families helped get ready for the shoot on Saturday, and made it operate smoothly on Sunday.  Leroy Leiss helped Fred Clayton unload a truck full of firewood that Fred had cut and split.  LeRoy also cleaned the area around the clubhouse, the interior, and the fireplace, and Julie, his significant other, trimmed the tree, helped with the fruit, and cleaning the building.  Dennis Kenagy, Sam Kriegshauser, and Jeff Patterson ran the poker tables.  Vern White and Randy Ryer ran the backer trap.  Adam Berreth and Jake Burroughs helped give out prizes and reorganize the prizes throughout the day.  Richard Phaneuf ran the cashier's window and managed the prize and trap helpers.  Brady Bouchet worked the traps and prizes, while Courtney Schmitz and MacKenzie Zirbel worked on the raffles.  Chris Vaughn and her sister, Nina, ran the kitchen and produced the breakfasts and lunches for the shooters and workers.  New members Tony Dornbusch, Tim Green, Erik Lallum, Brent Schlect, and Brandon Van Atta got work party credits for various tasks, including working on the fruit baskets, cutting up the remainder of the tree that blew down on 12/14/06, moving prizes, pulling trap, loading the trap machines, and any other miscellaneous task that no one else had time to do.