Replacement Cashier Needed

Sunday, 3 June 2007

The CRGC trap program is going to need a new cashier as of the 1st of September.  Richard Phaneuf, who has performed those duties for the past five years, will be taking evening college courses and will no longer be able to work the cashier's window.

The cashier is supervised by the club's Trap Chairman to implement the club's policies and procedures for the trap program, and works with the club's Treasurer to account for cash and perform data entry.  Duties include:

The cashier arrives at the clubhouse 30 to 45 minutes before trap shooting starts, and finishes work 30 to 45 minutes after shooting is finished.  The cashier's position is important to the club and the trap program, and the cashier, in addition to working well with members and customers, must also be honest, reliable, and trustworthy.

See Rich at the cashier's window on Tuesday or Thursday nights if you are interested, or call the club at 503-266-2453, or send an e-mail to apply or get more information.