Volunteer Caretaker Needed

Monday, 21 February 2011

Dan and Julie Postlewait, the current caretakers for CRGC, have opted not to continue to fulfill that role at CRGC after their current commitment ends.  CRGC has started the process of looking for a new caretaker for the club.  Vice President Jim Burdett has volunteered to head the search committee, and he has started accepting applications.  Sometime in March, 2011, the search committee will meet to review all of the applications, and to interview those people who have submitted them.  The committee will then make a recommendation to the board of directors, who should be able to consider the recommendation at the April board meeting on 4/18/2011.

If you are interested in knowing more about the responsibilities of the caretaker, a description of the duties and constraints are available in this .pdf file.  A copy of the application form, which you can fill out and print on your PC, can be found here.  You may also wish to talk with Jim Burdett, by telephone at 503-266-5327, or e-mail at brrduck@canby.com.