Membership Cards and Tickets

Many members (71% to date) have paid their dues by mail, and their new membership cards and any raffle tickets for the club's annual fund raiser have already been sent back to them.  We will continue to return membership cards by mail for those members who pay by mail.  We will also accept payment for annual membership dues at the annual meeting this coming Saturday.  If you choose to pay your dues at the meeting, you will get your card at that time.

Any raffle tickets which are purchased by mail received at the Canby Post Office up to and including Saturday, 15 January 2005, will be processed and included in the drawing that evening.  There will not, however, be time to return the tickets themselves to the purchaser before the meeting.  That will not prevent those tickets from being entered in the drawing.  Each ticket purchased by mail has the member's name printed on the ticket, and the member's name and telephone number printed on the ticket stub.  All stubs of purchased tickets will be put in the drawing, and the tickets themselves will be held at the treasurer's table if the member wishes to pick them up.  Unclaimed tickets will be discarded after the drawing.

If tickets are purchased Saturday evening at the annual meeting, the purchaser must fill in the ticket stub (name and telephone number), and drop the ticket stubs in the drum used for the drawing.

Ticket purchases that are made by mail that arrives at the Canby Post Office on or after Monday, 17 January 2005, will not be included in the drawing.  The club treasurer (Doug Phaneuf) will call any members whose ticket purchases cannot be processed to determine whether the member wishes to have the amount of the ticket purchase refunded, or the member wishes to donate that amount to the club.  Refund checks will be mailed to ticket purchasers whose tickets were not able to be entered into the drawing.