Club Officer and Director Candidates

Wednesday, 23 July 2003

While the elections for new officers and directors will not occur for another six months, it is time to consider who might be good candidates to take care of the club in 2004.  There are 4 officers and 5 directors who represent your interests, and of these, 6 are elected each year.  By convention, the current Vice President will become President in the next year, but that does not prevent a challenge for the office if someone wishes to do so.  The following are the positions, the current office holder, and the person who will hold the position in 2004.  An asterisk in the position indicates that a new person will be elected to that position in January, 2004.

Office 2003 2004
President * John Bee Dennis Kenagy
Vice President * Dennis Kenagy Open
Secretary * Christine Vaughn Open
Treasurer * Bob Yow Open
Director * Dan Edwards Open
Director * Jim Epifanio Open
Director Adam Berreth Adam Berreth
Director Dahle Gubele Dahle Gubele
Past President Doug Phaneuf John Bee

If you have anyone you wish to propose for any of the offices, please call John Bee (503-266-7657) or Dennis Kenagy (503-266-8664).