Bylaw Update

Tuesday, 16 April 2002

The CRGC bylaws are being reviewed to make them internally consistent, address omitted or unforeseen issues, and insure they are compatible with current regulations and statutes. If you have suggestions, or wish to participate in the process, call Doug Phaneuf (503-651-3035) or send a message to Those interested in working on the project will meet to draft the revisions. After we get a reasonably good document we will present it to the board for review and comment. After a review period, together with any changes that are agreed upon, it will be presented to the board for approval, and then to the membership for a vote. Assuming both the board and the membership approve, we will then send a copy to the NRA for approval. The final approved version will be sent to the membership, put on the web site, and sent to any other organizations we are required to notify (if any, such as the State of Oregon).