Bylaw Updates

Saturday, 24 August 2002

The Board of Directors has reviewed the proposed changes to the bylaws and has made one additional change. The new change is to allow the Board to require more than one signature on a CRGC bank check. The text of the proposed bylaws is being updated to reflect the change, and the bylaws will be submitted to the NRA for approval. Following a response from the NRA, the new bylaws will be submitted to a vote by the membership, probably at the next annual meeting. A copy of the proposed bylaws and a notice of the meeting, together with an explanation of the changes, will be sent to the membership in early November, 2002.

The following are the changes from the 1997 version.   The format of each entry in the following list is the reason for change (suggestions came from club members), followed by the place in the new bylaws where the new wording can be found.   Not all suggestions were implemented, and are so noted.   Some of the suggested changes were withdrawn during the review process.  There were a large number of minor editorial changes to correct grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and other similar errors and inconsistencies. These changes are not noted below.

The current draft version of the bylaws can be found at Bylaws 2002. If you have comments or suggestions, please feel free to e-mail them, or speak with Doug Phaneuf on any Tuesday night at the clubhouse.