Annual Picnic Shoots

Each year at the picnic the club holds its annual members' shooting competition.  The shooting is informal, in keeping with the nature of the club, and the rules are not strictly NRA compliant.  There are two competitions:  one for rifles, and one for shotguns.

The rifle shooting is done, with one exception, from the 200 yard line, using rifles which are legal for deer hunting, with scopes at a maximum magnification of 9 power.  The winner of the rifle competition is the shooter with the smallest shot group.  At times, for reasons of safety or inclement weather, the competition may be shot from the 100 yard line.  The following are the shooter groups and the shooting required.

Group Ages Range Shots
Vets 60 or greater 200 yards 4 shots from bench
Men 18 through 59 200 yards 2 shots from bench
2 from sitting position
2 from standing position
Women We don't ask 200 yards 2 shots from bench
2 shots from sitting position
Juniors 14 through 17 200 yards 2 shots from bench
2 shots from sitting position
Sub-juniors 10 through 13 200 yards 4 from bench
Pre-juniors * 9 or less 100 yards 3 from bench
* pre-juniors may shoot any caliber rifle, using any type of sights.

The type of shooting for the shotgun competition varies with the equipment available.  In general each shooter can plan on shooting 50 to 100 rounds of ammunition.  The targets may be standard practise, doubles, continental, continental doubles, sporting clays, duck walk, goose shoot, or any combination of these, at any range.  The type of competition is usually determined by the club's shotgun chairman from four to eight weeks prior to the picnic, but it is not announced until the day of the shooting.