2008 Annual Picnic

The annual picnic and shooting competition was held on Saturday, 19 July 2008, and (as of 1:30 PM) was attended by 205 people (86 members, and 119 family and friends).  The day began with the rifle competition, followed by a demonstration from the cowboy action shooters from SASS, childrens' games, lunch, and the shotgun competition.

There were 25 people who shot in the rifle competition in the morning, which was planned and organized by Brandon Ayres, the club's range chairman.  There were two classes of rifles used: legal big game hunting rifles (.243 and larger), and varmint rifles (.223 centerfire and smaller, including rimfire rifles).  Shooting was done from a bench on the 200 yard line.  There was not time to allow sighting of the rifles, so the winner was the person shooting the smallest 5-shot group.

The top three competitors in each group recieved cash prizes:  $15 for first place, $10 for second, and $5 for third.  The winners were:

Category Position Member Caliber Group Size
Big Game, Men 1 Brandon Ayres .25-06 2.25 inches
  2 Dan Sandberg .25-06 3.75 inches
  3 Dennis Kenagy 7mm 4.25 inches
Varmint, Men 1 Rich Phaneuf .17 Remington 2.25 inches
  2 Jim Tillery .223 3.25 inches
Varmint, Women 1 Julie Postlewait .17 HMR 6.875 inches
  2 Diana Barrett .6mm 7.875 inches
  3 Carol Taylor 6mm 15.875 inches
Varmint, Juniors 1 Cody Partlow .22-250 3.125 inches
  2 Cheyenne Partlow .252-250 4.75 inches

The cowboy action shooting demonstration was put on by Barrelhouse Bob (Bob Scharbach), Bart Star (Al Manrubia), Buckaroo Jer (Jerry Taylor), Glory Hallelujah (Pat Scharbach), Ima Tomboy (Diana Barrett), Molalla Kid (Calvin Barrett), Tex Dover (Al Kitzmiller), and Wentworth Kid (Steve Nimrod).  Bart Star, who is also the Territorial Governor, explained the rules and procedures, and narrated the steps as the shooters went through two stages of a regular competition.  There was quite a bit of interest, as more than 40 people came to watch the demonstration to learn about the Single Action Shooting Society, and how the shooting is done.

Lunch was served around 12:30 PM, and there was a variety of food: barbecued beef and turkey, corn on the cob, potato salad, baked beans, pickles and other condiments, rolls, potato chips, nachos, and ice cream (either cones, sandwiches, and bars) for dessert.

There were 25 people who participated in the shotgun competition in the afternoon, which was managed by Dan Stevens, the club's trap chairman.  There were five different shooting scenarios: goose shoot, quail shoot, rail shoot, door shoot, and chair shoot.  Five shots were fired in each scenario.  In the goose shoot, the competitor sits on the ground in front of the trap, and shoots at targets that are thrown over his/her head.  In the quail shoot, the shooter starts walking from the 27 yard line towards the trap house, and targets are thrown at random intervals.  The rail shoot was shot from the rail behind the pad on trap #2 - about 29 yards from the traphouse, and about 3 to 4 feet higher up.  The door shoot was done from a sitting position behind a door, as in a decoy position.  The chair shoot was done from a chair on top of a piece of plywood, which was positioned on top of a mostly inflated truck tire innertube (to simulate being in a boat).

The top three competitors in each group recieved cash prizes:  $15 for first place, $10 for second, and $5 for third.  The winners were:

Category Position Member Score
Men 1 Gary Griesenauer 40
  2 Stan Raney 39 (shoot-off)
  3 Jay Partlow 39 (shoot-off)
Women 1 Cindy Kenagy 26
  2 Julie Postlewait 24
Juniors 1 Cody Partlow 18

The picnic was planned and organized by Jennifer Kunzman and her committee, which was composed of (in alphabetic order):  Jennifer Benz, Gary Edwards, Ken Hogan, Ed Jensen, Barry Kop, Brad Kubik, Ken Kubik, Sharon Kubik, Jennifer Kunzman (chairperson), Ron Kunzman, John Parish, Robert Parish, Bob Ray, Steve Stash, and Jerry Taylor.  Additional help was provided by:  Hugh Boyle, Dennis Kenagy, Al Kitzmiller, Dan Postlewait, Julie Postlewait, and John Weisz Jr.  They did an excellent job, and should be thanked for their efforts and contribution to the club when you next see them.

The raffle prizes were donated by members and several businesses.  Please remember the donor companies when you are considering products or services they provide.  The donors included:

Winners of the raffle items were: