2004 Annual Picnic

Saturday, 11 September 2004

The club's annual picnic for members and their families was held on Saturday, 11 September 2004.  People started to arrive around 10:30 AM, but the bulk of the attendees began arriving about an hour later.  In all, there were more than 130 people who came to the picnic.  The format of the picnic was changed this year, with the day of the picnic being moved to Saturday to separate it from the annual shooting competition on Sunday.  It was a lot quieter.

The kitchen crew served an outstanding meal of barbecued pork ribs and chicken quarters, braunschweiger, macaroni salad, Elsie's potato salad, and corn on the cob.  Coffee, soda pop, and beer rounded out the beverage selections.  The cooking was done by member Rick Peterson, with help from his son Dahlen, and his son-in-law Jeff Carson.  Jim Burdett cooked the corn, and later Jim and Dennis Kenagy did the cleaning up, with help from several of the attendees.  The meal received excellent reviews from the attendees, and we will almost certainly repeat the menu next year.

After lunch Cindy Kenagy officiated at the children's games.  There were 16 children who raced and carried through a variety of events.  Cindy was assisted by Emily Kenagy, and several of the parents of the children.

If you weren't there, you missed a good day and a lot of friends.  The weather cooperated as well, with partly cloudy skies and moderate temperatures.