2004 Annual Meeting

Saturday, 17 January 2004

The club's annual meeting of members was held on Saturday, 17 January 2004.  The doors opened at 6:00 PM for members to buy raffle tickets and pay dues.  In all, there were more than 235 members who attended the meeting.  The business meeting was called to order by John Bee at 7:01 PM.  The salute to the flag, and a minute of silence for deceased members in 2003 was followed by the reading of the minutes of the 2003 annual meeting, and the treasurer's report.  Range Chairman Dahle Gubele and Shotgun Chairman Chuck McClaugherty reported events of the past year to the membership.  New officers and two new directors were elected at the meeting:

Directors Adam Berreth and Dahle Gubele each have one more year to serve of their two year terms on the board.  John Bee became the ninth board member as Past President of the club.  Past President John Bee then concluded the business meeting shortly before 7:30 PM, and new President Dennis Kenagy assumed responsibility for the rest of the meeting.

After the meeting, Loy Russell, Todd Vaudt, and Howard Wurdinger presented the fur, fin, and feathers awards.  Dennis Kenagy presided over the drawing of the raffle tickets.  The trophy award winners were:

The raffle drawings were won by:

The kitchen crew served an outstanding meal of ham, turkey, braunschweiger, sausage, cheese, potato salad, vegetables, potato chips, and Fritos after the raffle.  More than a third of the members attending stayed after the meal to talk with friends and shooting buddies.

A number of people helped out in the kitchen, selling tickets, presenting awards, and counting the cash.  They were:  Rod Beck, Dennis Berreth, Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Tom Burdett, Gordon Jeskey, Dennis Kenagy, Sam Kriegshauser, John Lane, Jeff Patterson, Doug Phaneuf, Richard Phaneuf, Ken Russell, Loy Russell, Brent Scheafer, Neal Sorenson, Dave Trowbridge, Homes Tupper, Todd Vaudt, Christine Vaughn, Glen Watson, Howard Wurdinger, and Bob Yow.