Annual Meeting 2003

Sunday, 19 January 2003

The Club's Annual Meeting occurred on Saturday, 18 January 2003, at the clubhouse.  There were about 223 members in attendance.  Bob Yow's new dues procedures worked well, and the longest line for dues, raffle tickets, or door prizes never exceeded eight people.  In addition, John Bee's new procedure for door prizes substantially shortened the time required to identify the winners and distribute the prizes.  Loy Russell's and Howard Wurdinger's presentation of the wildlife prizes also ran smoothly.  As a result, we actually started supper at 8:00 PM.  We learned what to do to improve the processes, so next year should be even better.

The attendees approved the proposed bylaws with only six dissenting votes.  A copy of the new bylaws will be posted in the membership section of this web site as soon as possible.  The membership, with one dissenting vote, also elected the proposed officers and directors for 2003.  They are:

For a complete list of the club officialdom, please go to Directors in this web site.

A number of people helped put on the annual meeting. John Bee and Hugh Boyle took care of purchasing door prizes, food, beverages, and raffle items.  Those who helped with set up included:  Bob Bennett, Hugh Boyle, Jim and Tom Burdett, Larry Close, Tony Heckard, Steve Nimrod, Glen Watson, and Bob Yow.  Those who helped run the meeting included:  Rod Beck, Dennis Berreth, Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Dave Fisher, Tony Heckard, Dennis Kenagy, Daryl Nicholson, Steve Nimrod, Jeff Patterson, Rick Peterson, Loy Russell, Dave Scott, Homes Tupper, Todd Vaught, Glen Watson, Howard Wurdinger, and Bob Yow.