Annual Meeting Announcement

Dear Fellow Member:

Your Club is having its ANNUAL MEETING on Saturday, January 19, 2001, promptly at 7:00 PM at the clubhouse.  If you would like to know what is going on with your club and have some fun, make it a point to be at the meeting.  This meeting is for MEMBERS ONLY; no spouses or guests are invited.  Doors open at 6:00 PM.

A mailing will soon occur with similar information, and will also include 10 tickets for the drawing at $1.00 each.  Prizes will be indicated on the tickets.  Any tickets not purchased are to be returned.   More tickets will be available at the door.

Be sure to bring all of your rod and gun trophies taken in 2001.  Tags must be attached.  There will be cash prizes for several categories.   If you have any questions regarding the drawing, call Loy Russell at 503-678-2235.  Again this year, we are also having a skunk drawing.   Bring your unused 2001 deer and elk game tags for this drawing.

Annual dues are FIFTY-FIVE dollars, payable at the annual meeting.   Dues not paid by March 1, 2002, are delinquent.  Delinquent members WILL BE dropped from membership.  We are still at full capacity and there is a 65 person waiting list, so please pay your dues before the deadline.  Prepayment of dues will help shorten the line at the annual meeting.  Mail your check and we will mail your card back to you.

The following members were nominated for open positions on the board.

President Doug Phaneuf
Vice-President John Bee
Treasurer Bob Yow
Recording Secretary Chris Vaughn
Past President Sam Kriegshauser
Director (1 year) Evan Goettel
Director (1 year) Dennis Kenagy
Director (2 year) Tony Heckard
Director (2 year) Dan Edwards
Director (permanent) Elwood Faist