Bob Yow Goes Straight

Thursday, 2 June 2005

While hitting 25 birds in a row was not an unusual occurrence during the recently finished Spring Trap League, the event still does not occur very often.  Bob Yow, a Life Member and a doyen of the Tuesday/Thursday evening trap shooters, shot his first ever 25 straight this evening.  Bob, who is 75 years old, and who has been shooting trap for over 35 years, can offer inspiration to those duffers who have not yet gotten their first 25 patch.  After getting his patch, Bob went back out for another round, and shot another 25 straight.  When he came back in, he received one of the much rarer 50 straight patches to sew on his shooting vest.

Please congratulate Bob when you see him, and then ask him why it took so long.  He made it look easy.  Now, if he could just do so well in the money games.