Monday, 27 June 2005

Dan Stevens, CRGC Trap Chairman, has worked for several months with other trap shooters and members of the Elks Clubs, in particular BPOE 1189, to bring a WRETA shoot to CRGC.  The shooting will start late afternoon on Friday, July 9, 2005, and will continue on Saturday and Sunday.  CRGC members are welcome to participate, and are encouraged to shoot in the competitions.  The values of the cash purses will be determined by the number of participants in each event, with prizes for high individual or team scores in each event, and highest scores for ladies, veterans, juniors, sub-juniors, and high overall.

The club's kitchen will be open for breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday.  A dinner will be served Saturday evening after the 60 bird backer.

The shooting schedule is:

Friday.  Club opens at 3:00 PM, last shot fired before 10:00 PM.

Saturday.  Club opens at 8:00 AM.

Sunday.  Club opens at 7:00 AM

Elk's Team Purses  
First place team $100.00
Second place team $50.00
Third place team $25.00

WRETA and PITA rules will govern the shooting, and only legal trap loads are permitted in the shoots.  

The club's kitchen will be open for breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday.  A dinner will be served Saturday night after Event 3.  Come early and participate or watch at the biggest trap event at CRGC in several years.