Work Party #2, 2018

Saturday, 30 June 2018

The third scheduled work party of 2018 was held with an increased number of volunteers.  The tasks were the usual late Spring activities.  The weather was excellent - bright and sunny, and not too warm.  Lunch was sandwiches and chips from the Thriftway deli.

The following were the tasks performed:

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk):  Shaun Adair*, Vincent Anderson*, Jim and Leela Barham, Evan Boyer*, Dave Butcher*, Mike Butler, Eric Coultas*, Mitch Coultas, Staci Damgaard*, Ryan Donohue*, Joe Dula, Kevin Dye*, Mark Dye*, Ryan Freauff*, Bob Gent, Cindy Gonzalez, Robbie Graves*, David Grundman (prospective member), Bill Heilman*, Robert Jensen*, Dennis Kenagy, R.J. Lawrence*, Brad Lyon*, Chris Nizer*, Jason Paolo, L.C. Parschall, Bob Ray, Bruce Robbins, Ed Robinson*, Kelly Rydlund*, Jeff Smith*, Jack Starrett*, Kevin Starrett, Charlie Stinson*, Doug Walton*, and Jason Yoder*.