Fruit Basket Work Party, 2017

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Every year, the day before the Elwood Faist Memorial trap shoot there is a work party to put together the fruit baskets that are the main prizes given away during the trap shoot the next day.  (The Elwood Faist Memorial shoot - before his death, the Elwood Faist Birthday shoot - is always held the Sunday before Christmas, except when that would be Christmas Eve, when it is held the Sunday prior to Christmas Eve.)  The baskets are filled with apples, pears, oranges, grapefruit, and pineapples, and on occasion with bananas and other fruit as well - about a ton of fruit in total.  This year there are 128 fruit baskets to be given away.  This is quite a bit of work to get done to fill the baskets, heat-shrink a clear plastic cover over the basket, and move them to the bird room overnight.

CRGC member Brad Kenagy gets the fruit each year, and makes sure all of the materials are in place to build the prizes.

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk):  Thomas I Allen, Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Tom Burdett (with wife Anna, and children Gavin and Ellie), Wayne Griesenauer, Brad Kenagy, Dennis Kenagy (with wife Cindy and daughter Emily), LeRoy Leiss, Jason Paolo*, L.C. Parschall, Bob Ray, David Scott, and Spencer Wait.