Work Party #3, 2017

Saturday, 10 June 2017

The third work party of 2017 was held on the morning of Saturday, 5/20/2017.  The weather was cloudy with patchy rain, but the real downpour held off until 11:30 AM.  Things shut down pretty quickly after that.  Lunch consisted of 8 meaty pizzas from Dominos.  The hot pizza went well against the rain cascading off the clubhouse roof.

The following were the tasks performed:

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk):  Hugh Boyle, Jum Burdett, Joe Dula (1 hr), Tia Fraser (3 hr), Bob Gent, Dennis Kenagy, Chuck McClaugherty, Jim Nurmi*, L.C. Parschall, Richard Phaneuf, Bob Ray, Bruce Robbins, Jim Robertson, Paul Shuey, Luke Strait*, and Todd Tolboe*.