Unscheduled Work Party, 2016

Saturday, 17 December 2016

An unscheduled work party was held today in preparation for the Elwood Faist Memorial trap shoot on Sunday, 12/18/2016.  It was the finish of making the fruit baskets that will be given as prizes to winners during the shoot.

CRGC member Brad Kenagy researched costs and purchased the baskets, and then performed the same tasks again to get the fruit - apples, mandarin oranges, pears, limes, pineapple, and bananas - to put in the baskets.  Brad and Dennis Kenagy got the fruit and moved it to the clubhouse in preparation for the basket packing.  At 1:00 PM today, members assembled and started the orchestrated process of putting fruit in baskets and storing them.  In all, just about 2,000 lbs of fruit were put in 125 baskets, covered with a heat-shrink hood, and moved to the bird room.  At the end of the work party, the boxes were all broken down and put in the recycling bin.  The work party finished at 2:30 PM.

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk):  Hugh Boyle, Jim and Cathy Burdett, Cheryl Canfield (non-member), Buck Chapman, Joe Dula, Lee Frazier, Cindy Gonzalez, Wayne Griesenauer, Brad Kenagy, Dennis and Cindy Kenagy, Max Klaetsch, LeRoy Leiss, L.C. Parschall, Bob Ray, Kevin Starrett and Jack (son).