Work Party #3, 2016

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Work party #3, despite a discouraging weather forecast, was productive, and, because it was composed mostly of specific tasks, was done by about 11:30 AM.  We had 27 participants, and got almost all of the tasks completely done, and did some planning for follow-on work.  Coffee was on at 7:45 AM, and Jim Burdett brought the doughnuts before 8:00 AM (as well as beverages the night before).  Our new lunch process gave us a different service - Costco's turket croissant sandwiches, and, in expectation of a cool and rainy day (which did not happen until almost noon), corn chowder.  Tia Fraser and Richard Phaneuf fixed the lunch, and there were no leftovers.  Jim Burdett and Bob Ray both made runs to Canby Builders and Wilco to get materials needed for the work.  Members brought a surprising array of tools (saws, shovels, hammers, transit) and power equipment (including a vibrating compactor), which made the work a lot easier and faster.

The following are the tasks that were done:

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk):  Mike Ashby* (and two sons and a grandson), Jim Burdett, Steve Burton*, Mike Butler, Mitch Coultas, Jerry Cox*, James Dallas*, Joe Dula, Tom Egan, Tia Fraser* with Rick (husband) and Ayden (daughter), Bob Gent, Cindy Gonzalez, Eric Imes*, Todd Knapp*, Tyler Kuhl*, Chuck McClaugherty, Rod Olsen*, Mike Patton*, Richard Phaneuf, Bob Ray, Rob Rickard, Paul Schmidt*, Kevin Starrett and Jack (son), Steve Turner, and Eric Van Zandt.