Work Party #1, 2016

Saturday, 26 March 2016

The first work party of 2016 was fairly well attended, and the weather cooperated so that we could get a lot of outside work done.  There were 30 members and 8 guests who showed up for the work party.  Coffee was on at 7:45 AM, although the doughnuts didn't arrive until around 8:30 AM.  A new type of lunch was tried - hot dogs, sausage, and pizza from Costco - to try to reduce the lunch costs to reasonable numbers.

The following are the tasks that were done:

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk):  Feras Aburub*, Rick Bair, Hugh Boyle, Steve Burton*, Mike Butler, Mike Cubbage, Joe Dula, Tia Fraser* and Ayden (daughter), Cindy Gonzalez, Jim Horn*, Tim Isaksen*, Tyler Kuhl*, LeRoy Leiss, Eric Norton*, Jason Paolo (Troop 194, Trevor Partipilo*, Mike Patton*, Richard Phaneuf, Mike Quist*, Bob Ray, Bruce Robbins, Jim Robertson, Steve Shepherd*, Paul Shuey, Casey Silbernagle*, Kevin Starrett and son Jack, Dale Swenson*, Chris Taylor* with sons Hayden (Troop 882) and Cohen (Pack 503), Todd Tolboe and son Parker (BSA Troop 194), Homes Tupper, Steve Turner, Jim Warn, and Mike Warn.