Work Party #8, 2015

Saturday, 21 December 2015

After days of rain we got a nice sunny day to work on the soggy ground.  There were 26 members who showed up for the work party, and several stayed around after lunch to help with making the fruit baskets for the Elwood Faist Memorial Shoot on Sunday.  Coffee was on at 7:45 AM, although the doughnuts didn't arrive until around 8:30 AM, and lunch (from Ebner's), and beverages were available to participants at 12:15 PM.

The following are the tasks that were done:

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk):  Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Mike Butler, Chuck Canham*, Joe Dula, Tia Fraser* and Rick (husband), Lee Frazier, Bob Gent, Steve Godino, Ken Haider*, Marty Hemenway*, James Holman*, Brad Kenagy, Dennis Kenagy, John McNally, James Peterson*, Richard Phaneuf, Peggy Proffitt*, Bob Ray, Jim Robertson, Ron Saukko, Steve Shepherd*, Kyle Smith*, Kevin Starrett and son Jack, Todd Tolboe and son Parker (BSA Troop 194), and Mark Taft.