Work Party #5, 2014

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Work party #5, the last scheduled work party in 2014, had 35 members and guests doing the pre-winter preparation and cleanup that is the usual content for this work party.  The day started out as cool and foggy, and progressed to a clear and sunny late morning.  Coffee, doughnuts, lunch (from Ebner's), and beverages were available to participants.

As usual, there were maintenance tasks to be done, as well as preparation for winter, and getting ready for the turkey shoot on 11/15/2014.  The following are the tasks that were done:

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk):  Art Bergseng, Chuck Braun, Leland Breedlove and Toby Breedlove, Jim Casey, Bill Doak, Joe Dula, Tom Egan, John Eide, Dan and Debbie Goetz, Cindy Gonazales, Chris Green, Brett Hill and Reno Hill, Chad Johnson*, Brad Kenagy*, Jim Lygo, Keith McGee*, John McNally, L.C. Parshall, Richard Phaneuf, Bob Ray, Bruce Robbins, Jim Robertson, Alan Rudis, Paul Shuey, Jack Starrett, Homes Tupper, Steve Turner, and Dennis Wehling*.

In addition to the club members, we had the following Boy Scouts from Wilsonville Troop 194, with the leadership of Jason Paolo, who provided the additional hands that made the work easier:  Matthew McCulloch, Wyatt Miller, Parker Tolboe, Todd Tolboe, and James Willcock.