Concrete Pad Work Parties, 2014

Monday, 21 July 2014

Several members worked on the same project at four different times.  The three concrete pads (extended potty pad by the 100 yard range, the 200 yard range shooting position, and the 300 yard range shooting position) were dug out and formed during the scheduled work party on 6/21/14.  Additional work needed to be done to finish the forms and prepare the base for the pads for the two shooting positions, and Dennis Kenagy performed the task after work in late June.

Once the forms were set up, members Jim Burdett, Dennis Kenagy, Nick Sorenson, and A.J. Swaim, poured the concrete (doing a professional job of it)one afternoon during the week of 7/14/14.

After the concrete set, members Doug Howard and Jim Robertson removed the forms and exposed the finished pads on Friday, 7/18/14.

On the morning of the annual picnic, on Saturday, 7/19/14, several members moved the new (to CRGC) ADA portable toilet onto the concrete pad next to the older potty just west of the 100 yard range.  No one has asked who initiated use of our new facility, as that falls under the heading of "TMI".